St. Joseph Construction-New Addition


Dear parents/caregivers,

The moment has finally arrived and we will start to see the beginning stages of construction on Wednesday, February 21st.  The contract has been awarded to Gateman-Milloy Inc.  Construction will be taking place in many different stages, beginning with fencing the outside of the construction area, as well as bringing the on-site trailer that the construction workers will be using.  They will begin the site fencing (perimeter of the construction area) on Wednesday, February 21/24 (please see attached picture).  You will see some of the construction workers and trades on site, but they will be in the fenced off area for the most part.  We ask parents/caregivers to please remind students to use the main sidewalks as entrances and exits, and to avoid walking in the parking lot, if possible, as traffic will get heavier with only the one entrance off St. David Street, nearest the south side of the church.  We encourage walking to school, and those that drive children to school, to please use the Kiss and Ride on Strathallan Street.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with the construction project. We will do our best to keep you updated as things to progress.

Have a wonderful evening.